Community Care Ministries

Community Care: Where compassion meets action!

At Ripple Effect, we believe that everyone deserves access to the resources and support necessary to thrive. Whether you're facing economic hardship, experiencing a personal crisis, or simply seeking a helping hand, our community care programs are designed to provide assistance and empower individuals to overcome challenges. 

Whether you are seeking assistance or looking to volunteer your time and skills, we invite you to join us in creating a more caring and compassionate community for all.

Advocacy & Mentorship Program

 Our Advocacy and Mentorship program is designed to walk alongside and support individuals and families in need. Our mentorship pathways include resources that equip participants with practical life management skills, such as development of financial and savings plans, and short- and long-term goal-setting. Program participants will discover their God-given gifts and abilities and connect with a supportive community through education and peer support. Each week of the program, participants will leave with tangible action steps towards personal renewal and a greater sense of empowerment and belonging.

For more information about this ministry, please email

Baby Room

By working together with Positive Options, we have been able to provide expectant and new parents with free and discounted baby essentials using a point system. Parents earn points by attending Positive Options parenting classes. The points can then be used as “cash” at the store to acquire essential items for their newborns at no charge. We also offer vouchers at 50% off for other store items, helping these moms set up their homes at low cost. To date, more than 1,800 points have been redeemed at Ripple Effect!

Blessing Bags

We are on a mission to bless those in need in the West Michigan community through our Blessing Bags ministry.

Each blessing bag contains a water bottle, lunch kit, snack, scarf or warm pair of socks, set of handwarmers and an encouraging verse! The recipient may be someone you pass on the streets or a friend/ co-worker who needs a pick-me-up.

Blessing bags are distributed to local homeless shelters, jail ministries, and “street teams” encountering the homeless regularly.

Community Victory Garden

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the start of the Community Food Pantry at Ripple Effect, we found ourselves without a great resource for fresh produce as fruits and vegetables were expensive and hard to come by. In order to provide a steady supply of fresh produce for our local food pantries, we started growing our own! And now, five years later, we continue to regularly supply food pantries in our community throughout the summer. Watch our garden of tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, corn, cucumbers and green peppers grow!

Learn More!


Homelessness Into Homes & Mattress Ministry

Ripple Effect is humbled to be able to provide essential items, such as housewares, clothing, furniture and more to bless families transitioning from homelessness into homes! We are also able to provide new mattresses to families in need who meet specific criteria in our service area (Allendale, Coopersville, Marne, West Olive and surrounding areas).

Through the generosity of our community, we have been able to outfit homes for dozens of families. For more information about this ministry, please email our Director at

Emergency Blessing Boxes

For families in immediate need, Ripple Effect is suppling emergency food blessing boxes to help families get by until the next payday, next food pantry visit, or their food cards reload. Ripple Effect continues to accept donations of non-perishable food that will be used for these boxes. Donations can be dropped off at the store anytime during open hours.

Thank you for your continued support of our NEW blessing boxes ministry.

Medical Equipment

We loan essential medical equipment to individuals in need free of charge. Our inventory includes a variety of equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, and shower chairs to support individuals in maintaining their independence and quality of life. If you or someone you know could benefit from our medical equipment services, please call us at 616.895.4033.

Youth Mission Trip Fundraising

We believe the best way to prepare to go out to serve is to serve in your own backyard! As a result, Ripple Effect has been pleased to partner with local youth groups to help students earn money towards their mission trips. When students volunteer at Ripple Effect, we deposit funds directly into their mission trip account. Over the last 5 years, dozens of youth have been able to pay for their trips with this unique fundraising opportunity.